Special Services
Thanksgiving and Baptism

The Church of England offers two kinds of service for celebrating new life.
Thanksgiving and Dedication
Thanksgiving services are a way of celebrating the birth of a child and thanking God for the gift of new life, within the context of a service of worship. Thanksgiving services are available to anyone living within the parish regardless of faith or church attendance – although we would encourage you to come and visit us first before making a decision. For more information, come to one of our Sunday services and speak to a member of the clergy.
The Church of England baptises both children and adults as a physical sign of being welcomed into the family of the Church and becoming a follower of Jesus. In the baptism service, candidates (or their parents) promise to turn away from sin, the World and the Devil and turn to Jesus Christ – choosing to follow Him and submit to Him as the Lord and Saviour of their lives.
Baptism is a hugely joyful occasion, but the promises being made are also serious and deeply significant and should not be made lightly. In line with Church teaching, we invite potential baptism candidates and families to follow a process of preparation and instruction in the Christian faith, and we encourage them to commit to the shared life of the church. For more information, come to one of our Sunday services and speak directly to a member of the clergy.
Weddings & Blessings

If you're recently engaged or considering getting married - many congratulations!
Those who live within the parish or have a connection with the church are eligible to have their wedding ceremony at St Mary & St George. For more information about planning your special day and the practical things you need to consider, visit the Church of England’s ‘Your Church Wedding’ website HERE.
The Church of England also offers a Thanksgiving for Marriage service where couples who have had a civil marriage can receive a blessing in church, or where couples can renew their marriage vows. You can find more information HERE.
The leadership of St Mary & St George Church affirm the traditional view of marriage being between one man and one woman. Our parish clergy have opted not to offer the 'Prayers of Love & Faith' and our PCC has adopted the CEEC Basis of Faith. Other parishes within the High Wycombe Team Ministry will be offering these prayers and we would be happy to signpost enquirers accordingly.
St Mary & St George Church adheres to the Church of England's guidance on the marrying of divorcees. Couples where one or both parties have been previously married are invited to read this leaflet before speaking to a member of the clergy.

Dealing with the loss of someone can be overwhelming, especially when there are so many things to organise.
We are very happy to help you as you deal with your own grief and also plan a funeral service.
Please contact us if you would like to talk to someone about having a Church of England funeral service at St Mary & St George.
You can contact the Church Office directly at hello@smgchurch.co.uk